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Music data
 & publications

Diversity & access

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ROSAs vennebog

In ROSA's "Vennebog", 12 inspiring role models share why they love playing music and offer advice to those who might be considering giving up on music.


Hvorfor er der så få kvinder i musikken?

A study of the significance of gender for performing and creating musicians.

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A shared commitment to preventing abusive behavior and promoting a considerate and professional work environment.

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For equality and diversity in cultural life.

Music and Health

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Musikalske Besøgsvenner 2021​

– Fra Eksperiment til Hybridt Koncertformat

The report documents the first phase of the research study on Musical Visiting Friends.

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8 råd til kultur- og sundhedsprojekter

Based on experiences from Musical Visiting Friends, the report provides practical project recommendations.

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Seks Dimensioner af Adgang til Kunst og Kultur for Ensomme Ældre

The report marks the second phase of the research project and delves into various aspects of access to culture for seniors.

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Trivselsfremmende og Adgangsskabende Potentialer af Hybride Koncertformater:

A comparative analysis of "Musikalske Besøgsvenner" and SOLO


Danish music scene in numbers


Dansk Musikliv i Tal 2023

Read more

Audience development


Danish venues and concert organizers' work with audience development and data

Data collection 2022




Insights from the national transport subsidy scheme and the scheme for international transport grants before and during COVID-19.

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Mapping of allocations of international transport subsidies

Check out the map here


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