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ROSA is working for a diverse and constantly changing music sector. Music can transform the society we live in. Music can bring us together and enrich our lives. Read about the values and beliefs, which constitute our foundation.


Growth and talent development:

Without growth, there will be no new music. We work to accumulate experience and establish networks as stepping stones for the development of new talents. To offer our guidance and pull our weight in creating a sustainable and diverse music world.

Audience development:

We want to rethink and challenge where and how music can be experienced. The development of partnerships and live formats will open the doors for musicians to reach out to new audiences and communities. From large international festivals to the cosy living room.

International outlooks:

There exists a large international interest for Danish music and culture. Apart from our international transportation funding, we are also collaborating purposefully with international partners, and searching for new platforms to increase Denmark’s music footprint outside of our borders.

Diversity and sustainability:

We wish to, actively, increase sustainability within the production, communication and consumption of music. We are working together in developing safe and sustainable working conditions for both new as well as established artists, and for everyone else who is working within the music industry.

Service goals​

A large network and thorough knowledge of the environments within pop, rock, electronica, and related genres, is a prerequisite for ROSA’s work in Denmark, as well as abroad. Simultaneously, ROSA’s core task is to build bridges between established spaces, new players, new directions, and the society we live in. Therefore, ROSA strives to provide service which meets the needs, the dynamics, and the development of the music climate. At the same time, we work to become an intermediary in our society on more general terms. Our service goals are adjusted yearly, to ensure that they reflect the present conditions of the organisation and the feedback the organisation receives.


ROSA follows The Danish Arts Foundation’s guidelines and procedures for dealing with cases of incapacity. You can read it here in Danish.


If you are a collaborator and you need to use our logo for communication purposes, you can download it from this page or contact us at for more information on its usage.



You can contact ROSA by telephone: 86128444, email:, via our social media, or by post to:


Skovgaardsgade 3
8000 Aarhus C


The office in Aarhus is open on all working days from 10.00 am – 4.00 pm.


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