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Do not miss out. We do regular Open Calls – remember to keep yourself updated on our channels so you can apply to what suits you. We cannot wait to collaborate with you.

Do you have questions about the Open Call? 

Contact us on(+45) 8612 8444

ROSA currently has three Open Calls


​ROSA regularly puts out open calls, inviting you to apply and join our projects and events. Whether you're a musician, work in the industry, or something else entirely, there's bound to be something that fits you!




1. Open Call: Funding Opportunities for International Projects


Are you interested in opportunities for funding international music projects?


Creative Europe and the genreorganizations have joined forces and invite you to an information meeting on international funding opportunities for musicians and music projects.


The meeting will take place:

Monday, September 30th from 1 PM to 4 PM
Musikhuset, Copenhagen.


Read more and sign up here (DANISH).


Deadline: September 23rd at 12:00 PM.





2. Open Call: Bausongs - Songwriting Camp in Berlin


Are you curious about creating new music in different settings that you may not have experienced before? Then BauSongs might be for you – a songwriting camp for composers in Denmark and Berlin-based musicians.


BauSongs will take place in Berlin from November 18 to 22, 2024, where you'll meet the three instructors Greta Schenk (GRETA), Kaspar Kaae (songwriter in CODY and film composer), and Michael Møller (moi Caprice and The Mountains).


The camp is aimed at up-and-coming talents and is inspired by the Danish boarding school spirit, where collaboration is key to creating new music. Additionally, Berlin's culture will be explored through artist visits and concert experiences.


The application deadline is October 6.


Read more and apply here.


Deadline: 6th of October.





3. Open Call: Balansekunst and Kunst & Kultur i Balance invites for conferences


Take part in the first Nordic and Baltic networking conference for equality and diversity in the art and culture industries.


We are happy to announce that Balansekunst and Kunst & Kultur i Balance have joined forces for two conferences – in Oslo and Copenhagen. The partnership is about getting the Nordics and Baltics to collaborate, share knowledge and inspire each other in the work towards a more equal and diverse industry.


The conferences are set to be:

Oslo: 28th to 29th of November 2024

Copenhagen: 16th to 17th of January 2025


The conferences will consist of presentations by organisations working with inclusion and diversity on topics like accessibility and diversity recruiting, facilitated group work, networking lunches and a field trip to an organisation who will share their methods for working with inclusion and diversity. 


Read more and apply here.


Deadline: 7th of October at noon.​






If you are curious about upcoming open calls, you can sneak a peek below at the ones we are already planning.


ROSA expects to announce the following open calls in 2024:


Musikhjælp Scenesetup – growth-stage festivals can apply for a full production setup. Open Call will open during the Autumn of 2014.


SOLO (Sammen Om Live Oplevelsen) – we are looking for artists to play intimate concerts for young people. Open Call will open during the Autumn of 2014.



ROSA expects to announce the following open calls in 2025:


E-tur – we seek upcoming artists and bands for our school tour (start of 2025)



Here you can read about some of ROSA's previous open calls:


  • Showcase in Paris

  • New board members

  • On Track

  • FluxFm in Berlin

  • SOLO

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